So, what do I say about today?
I survived it.
I got up early, really early (and I'm feeling it now. Yawn!). Going into work after the break was easier than I imagined it'd be. I was actually very happy to see my co-workers and to catch up on what everyone's been doing for the past few weeks. The morning session was a chance to get to know teachers from our sister schools and to glean their ideas for my classroom. I get to work with lots of wonderful educators!
My team decided that we would treat ourselves to a nice lunch out. It's a rare treat to sit down to a relaxing noon-time meal during the school day. Along with our delicious cajun food, we had fun discussing movies and other non-work-related topics.
It's amazing how much easier it is to be a teacher when you don't have students around. LOL
It makes me think, though. My training and experience, maybe even gifts, for work are not for myself. I'm meant to educate. Without my pupils I can show up, go out to lunch, and have an easy day, but then I'd be missing out on my purpose.
Is that how I'm meant to live as a believer? I can survive and just kind of show up each day as a Christian (I'm sure I do it way too often!) or I can take up the work that I'm meant to do. It may be harder..., but I'm designed and equipped to do more than just make it through. I don't want to just survive the day, but to do what God would want from me, to strive to make Him known.
Thank you, God, for giving my life meaning and for allowing me to live for you through my work.
Love this! What a great reminder to not just do the minimum, but to go above and beyond what is expected. Your students are very lucky to have you as their teacher!